Barriers provide reasonably priced crowd control and queuing solutions. They are also highly effective tools to reduce the seriously problematic issue of shoplifting in retail stores. Also they can divide sales areas where customers are from cash handling and storage areas. Barriers, turnstiles and swing gates retractable belt stanchions and portable posts and ropes can be used for crowd control individually or combined to create a queue line. Barriers maintain the crowd flow and provide organized queue lines at locations and as a result increase the profit.

Sales area

Barriers provide crowd control and make entrance safe and comfortable. Also any advertisements could be placed there and that’s why they should meet the design requirements of any application.

Oxgard barriers and swing gates could be performed in a single design with no effectiveness loosing. Their design provides easy mounting and can be easily combined and configured to meet the needed angle.

Every barrier is made of stainless steel which ensures the durability and reliability of products. Constructions are designed for heavy-duty usage. Oxgard barriers and swing gates, in addition to durability and reliability, also have a stylish design, especially if they are additionally decorated with any ornamental elements.

For passageway creation, one-way direction swing gates are the most commonly used. The unit may include the following parts: magnetic or electric lock, left or right sided swing door L = 1000 mm (PR10L or PR10P), L-shaped, T-shaped or one-sided barrier stand, card reader stand. These options are used to prevent impassible areas in stores and for the customers flow in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. We can produce complete structure as well as any of its units alone.

Checkout area

Well suited checkout area avoids the crossing of customer’s flows. Oxgard barriers and swing gates are ideal solution for this challenge. Also these types of access control systems could be used to cover the passage of closed cachdesks in shops and supermarkets. You can configure various combinations such as:

- One sided barrier stand (polished stainless steel tube diam. 50 mm H=1000 mm, 2 plastic couplings with fastening);

- Barrier stand i-shaped (polished stainless steel tube diam. 50 mm H=1000 mm, 4 plastic couplings with fastening);

- Turnable section with a spring lock, double stainless steel hand-rail diam. 32 mm, swing half-stitches, plastic tube cover plug;

- Barrier stand (polished stainless steel tube diam. 50 mm H=1000 mm, 4 plastic couplings with fastening).

«Oxgard» - turnstiles manufacture and sale of «Oxgard» official website - turnstiles, card collectors, swing gates, barriers Praktika and Cube for ACS. Manufacture and sale of. Oxgard

192289, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, 66, Sofiiskaya st. +7(812)366-15-94